My name is Max. I am an adult video game designer, a Python coder, a lyricist, and a reviewer of all things AI. This is going to be my dumping ground for various projects. Any money donated to me through this site will go toward my plethora of projects including (but not limited to):
- upgrading to "subscriber" for my AI video tests
- finishing several of my video games
- finishing the four albums I currently have in production (themes: disco, travel, love, and funk)
- creating a non-puritanical AI image generator that will actually produce correct anatomical bodies that are not distorted and wrecked by the removal of nude training data.
- creating even more AI templates for use with image-to-image generators
Anyway, hope you like the page and be sure to subscribe so you get notified as I post stuff. Thanks for stopping by! And remember: don't impress, be impressive.